liftoff: taking your child to new heights, with Brain Training & Cognitive Development.

Raise a Superstar Child

Edu-LiftOff: The secret playtime method to awaken the unconscious genius of your 2 - 7 year old, in just 20 minutes daily


Our expert-curated, all-encompassing, done-for-you, home brain training & cognitive development program to nurture hidden talents in your child without any pressure or stress and lots of joy


Remember that one person who always got the best grades in class? Or that one person who always excelled in everything?

Why is it that these people carry their skills throughout childhood, and throughout their lives? It didn't suddenly come to them out of nowhere... Were they born with these talents or did something happen in their childhood?

You see, all our fundamental abilities are developed when we are just a child, and these abilities stay with us for life.

All kids are born with a treasure chest of infinite abilities. These are like seeds which grow only if they are nurtured. As the child hits the age of around 2 years, their brains rapidly start throwing away unused abilities by a process called "Synaptic Pruning" and they lose these abilities forever.

All kids are born geniuses, but it's up to us to nurture their potential.

Nurture your child's potential

We all want to raise our children for success & happiness.. But, how do we give them an edge in today's competitive world, without stress or pressure? 

It's time to think differently!

Introducing: The Edu-LiftOff System

A complete parent friendly brain training & cognitive development system of daily on screen and off screen activities to do with your child that will help them to build and strengthen cognitive skills, brain connectivity and motor skills in 2-7 year old kids in just 20 minutes every day (and retain their genius potential before it's destroyed!)

This system is for parents who want a complete done-for-you solution without having to make decisions at every step.

Crafted with Expertise: Vetted by Educators, Therapists, Researchers, and Leading Experts with Tangible Outcomes


Here are some benefits you can expect from the system

Note: results will vary from person to person, and none of these results are guaranteed.

Improved Memory & Attention

Improved Memory & Attention

so that your child will ace exams effortlessly, make sound decisions, and have countless opportunities for life & career.

Improved Reading

Improved Reading

so that your child will have a better ability to read and understand a variety of texts.

Better Math Skills

Better Math Skills

so that your child will better understand math and develop better math skills.

Sports Prowess

Sports Prowess

so that your child has the strength, stamina, speed & skills to excel at any sport they pursue.

Encyclopedic Knowledge

Encyclopedic Knowledge

so that your child is a leader in every peer group & can hold his/her own in any conversation.

Creativity & Reasoning

Creativity & Reasoning

so that your child can be artistic or a star performer at every school function.

Foundational Logic & Processing

Foundational Logic & Processing

so that your child learns to think and reason rationally as well as decisively.

Pitch Perfect Music

Pitch Perfect Music

so that your child can entertain crowds of any size with their singing and musical instrument talents.

...and many more benefits!


Why Do The First Few Years Make Such A Difference To Your Child’s Future Intelligence & Success? 

Child's Future Intelligence & Success

A child's brain makes more than ONE MILLION neural connections EVERY SECOND! Just imagine it: In the time it took you to read down to this sentence, your child's brain grew another… FORTY to FIFTY MILLION new connections! 

This hyper-growth continues for the first two years of your child’s life.

However… After that, your child’s brain begins eliminating any unused synapses by a process called “synaptic pruning”.

This is literally like your child’s brain, cutting off abilities and talents that they were born with… only because they didn’t get the opportunity to explore their hidden potential. 

It's thus critical to take advantage of this small window of opportunity, because sleeping inside those neural connections is… 

👩🏼‍🎨  Genius beyond Einstein, Newton, Hawking…

👩🏼‍🎨  Talent beyond Messi, Federer, Pink, Adele, and…

👩🏼‍🎨  Creativity beyond Picasso, da Vinci, and van Gogh.  

In other words, all the genius your child needs — or will ever need in life — is contained inside those neural connections that are solidifying inside their brains in their early years.

All you need is a simple framework and guidance... and that's where we fit in!


The Edu-LiftOff System has everything you need to raise your child superstar

Done for you

I. Done -for -you by experts in early childhood development

Setting up a good brain training & cognitive development program for you is hard – getting it to be the best for you is even harder. We have done it for you, expertly done and cost effectively. 

Vetted by Educators, Therapists, Researchers, and Leading Experts with Tangible Outcomes.

Detailed monthly plans

II. Detailed monthly plans (new progressing plan every month!) with activities that take only 20 minutes per day

Easy, flexible and fun off screen and on screen activities that you and your child will love to do on a daily basis while also developing their all round abilities! The activities will help develop cognitive skills, physical abilities, languages, memory, intelligence, music, creativity, logic, etc. in your child. Each day will take only 20 minutes to watch and do the activities. No special materials or experience required. 

Track your progress easily on your secure digital platform. This is a progressive monthly program.

Step-by-step guidance

III. Step-by-step guidance, instructions and video tutorials to develop important fundamental human abilities and cognitive skills

Athleticism - Fine motor skills, strength, stamina, stability, etc.

Intelligence - Knowledge, attention skills, working memory, long-term memory, processing speed, auditory processing, visual processing, logic & reasoning.

Creativity - Arts, drama, music & creative solutioning.

Downloadable resources

IV. Downloadable activity guides, audio stimulators, JPEGs, PDFs and much more...

We will provide you all the resources that you need, including all the audio stimulator files, activity guides, etc. that you can download and keep for your future reference! No need to make notes, and hunt the internet for what to do! This program is completely done-for-you!

Unlimited Support

V. Unlimited support from our parent coaches

You will have unlimited access to our Parent Coaches and the expert team of Eduformance. These coaches are not just experts, they are passionate about helping parents just like you! Simply post your question to your coaches, and they will respond with detailed answers within a few hours!

Private VIP Community

VI. Access To Private VIP Community

Unlike other online communities, our private community is vibrant, active and supportive! Access it anywhere - on your mobile app or on the laptop. Be an active participant, or simply read the numerous photos, videos, and comments that your fellow parents post on a daily basis to find validation and encouragement. The community is a virtual mastermind of parenting!

Share your experiences, your struggles, and seek suggestions. Parents have found their long term friends and their support group in our community, and you can do it too!

Secure Digital Platform

VII. Secure digital platform

Interactive digital experiences, including mobile and desktop apps.

Exclusive Events

VIII. Invitations to exclusive events

Get exclusive access to live virtual events, promotions and contests.

Regular Updates

IX. Regular updates

Regularly researching, updating and creating new content and activities.

One subscription for the whole family

X. One subscription for the whole family

One affordable subscription for the whole family. Cancel at anytime.

Many more benefits

XI. And many, many, more benefits

Many, many more hidden benefits and bonusses! When you join us, you join a family and not just a program.

How Does It work?

How does it work


And get one affordable subscription for the whole family. Cancel at anytime.

Get curated, monthly activity plans

Based on your child's requirements and needs. Simply watch video instructions, download resources & do the activities with your child at your own convenience.

Don't let your child miss out

On this comprehensive intelligence boost. After all, in the vast landscape of the brain, every nook and cranny holds a promise, a potential, waiting to be discovered. With the Edu-LiftOff program, your child gets the map to navigate this landscape, ensuring they don't miss out on any treasure along the way.

Our promise to you

Our Promise To You!

Our promise to you is that we will do everything we can to help you and your child become the best version of their talents.

‍We are not here to sell, and forget. We build trust, and relationships. When you buy from us, we welcome you to our Eduformance family and we will be there to support your own parenting journey as and when you need us.

Can't decide? Here's what your child may miss out on

How many times have we had great intentions, but didn't act on it? We love to dream about the things we want, but often don’t end up taking action towards them. In this case, the cost of not taking action right away could be life changing, for both you and your child!

Still wondering if this will work for you?

Let's help you decide

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